Communication Skills for AEC Professionals
Practical Communication Skills (ABC Course 1.5.002)
Every construction job involves a complex system of information transfer. Good communication skills can make the difference between project success and project mess. Fortunately, good communication skills can be learned. This module will focus on developing and practicing good communication skills.
Learning Objectives:
- Active listening
- Identifying and addressing cognitive biases in ourselves and others
- Coping with emotional stress in communications
- Integrative negotiation skills for successful communication
Course length: 2 hours Delivery method: In person or Virtual
How do you Effectively Get a Message Across to an Audience? (ABC Course 1.5.001)
Communicating a message so that it is received in the manner it is intended is sometimes
a challenge.
Messages are interpreted largely based on the biases and experiences of the receiver. This exploration is focused on how you can use “priming words” to better craft your communications so that
your audience is more likely to hear and understand what you want to communicate to them.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn best practices for connecting with your audience.
- Learn to use framing and priming to craft an effective presentation.
- Learn tools for presenting in person or virtually.
- Learn to develop visual tools that enhance your message.
- Practice presentation strategies to gain confidence.
Course length: 1.5 hours Delivery method: In person or Virtual
Cognitive Bias - How Do you Keep from Making Listening Errors? (ABC Course 2.2.003)
For those of you who have heard the phrase: “Possession is 9/10 of the law”, you will most likely appreciate this: Perception is 9/10 of reality.
This 90 minute exploration is an open discussion on how you increase your effectiveness as a leader and a communicator by addressing cognitive bias. Aware of it or not, humans have biases. They come from our environments, emotions, experiences, motivators, etc. Messages will always have some kind of bias: from the sender and/or the receiver. Great influencers have a knack for understanding this and addressing it. Come explore what you know and don’t know about addressing and leveraging cognitive bias.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about the cognitive biases that can obstruct communication, how to see them in others and how to manage them.
- Learn about the cognitive biases you can use to enhance your communication.
- Learn how people make decisions and how you can communicate effectively to influence outcomes.
- Practice these skills using real world examples.
Course length: 1.5 hours Delivery method: In person or Virtual